TCLC is in dire need of a makeover! It's old and dated and most of the wallpaper is peeling and stained. Our furniture once donated is now falling apart and does not best serve our clients, or make efficient use of space. We are hoping to lighten the ambience by painting & updating our furniture to create a space that is warm, welcoming and conducive to learning.
Estimated Cost: $4000.00
Date of Completion: January 31, 2024
What do you wish everyone knew: The clientele we most serve has often had negative experiences in the education system and in institutions, which has resulted in low literacy rates.
TCLC is different that we hope to create a safe and welcoming space for those struggling with Literacy issues. TCLC is the hub for one on one tutoring, small group classes and basic skills
learning. By updating our agency we hope to set a standard for our students to work towards and provide them with a space they want to come to and spend time in. Learning is hard, as women we
know the value of a clean and welcoming space and how that can affect our wellbeing.
It's a great little agency that does amazing work in teaching people to read and write along with a variety of other basic life skills. We are often the first steps to training and employment. We
provide referrals, free books and a variety of classes to best suit our learners needs. We provide skills gap training, assessments and volunteer opportunities.
We are that big building on the corner of Second and Augustus that know one really knows, but often wonders what's in there. We're an education center that puts our learners at the heart of our work.