
The Cornwall Youth Space Committee is advocating for the creation of a dedicated space for all youth at Alexander Park. The lack of suitable recreational spaces for youth in Cornwall has led to displacement, social isolation, and negative behaviours, exacerbated by the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, including heightened depression and stress among young people.

To address these issues, the committee has formed a Youth Advisory Council, involving 15 young individuals from diverse backgrounds, to collaboratively design a space that meets the unique needs and challenges of today’s youth. The envisioned Cornwall Youth Space includes gazebos, basketball courts, excellent lighting, WiFi access, power, graffiti walls, gardens, and much more, aiming to provide a safe and engaging environment for all youth to gather, connect and thrive.

The Cornwall Youth Space is currently seeking support from community partners to make this vision a reality. The goal is to positively impact generations of youth by providing them with a meaningful space for engagement and growth.


Estimated Cost: $150,000

Date of Completion: October 1, 2024

What do you wish everyone knew: Our initiative is striving to create a welcoming and inclusive space for all youth at Alexander Park to address rising concerns and provide a positive environment for young people to thrive.

The Social Development Council recently updated their Strategic Plan.

Our Mission: Collaborating with partners to advocate and promote the wellbeing of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Akwesasne, and Cornwall by
offering leadership, support, and inspiration.

Vision: A healthy, safe, equitable community attainable for all to thrive.

Values: Inclusion, Sustainability, Empowerment, Justice and Passion

Strategic Objectives:
● Mobilize adequate and sustainable human and financial resources
● Strengthen relationships with Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry, Akwesasne, and Cornwall while engaging and creating with community partners
● Promote, value and celebrate achievements
● Build resilience proactively to achieve equity, diversity and inclusion